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mediation conciliation dispute resolution mediators services

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There is a lot to know about the topic of parental responsibilities after separation. Parents can exercise their rights as well as there are various responsibilities on their part when it comes to the active care of their child. Rhino Mediation

Los Angeles: 213-284-8488 New York: 917-977-0168 Chicago: 312-752-5007 Dallas: 469-826-2666

Global Arbitration And Mediation Service (GAMS) Provides Fair, Just, Simple, Quick And Effective Dispute Resolution


For more detailed information on the services we offer, please click on the links above.


Arbitration is a procedure in which a dispute is submitted, by agreement of the parties, to an arbitrator or a tribunal of several arbitrators who give a decision on the dispute that is binding on the parties. In contrast to mediation, once the parties have freely agreed to submit a dispute to arbitration, a party cannot unilaterally withdraw from the arbitration. Arbitration allows for more confidentiality than litigation. Arbitration is a cost effective alternative to litigation. Arbitration is the best form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

Commercial arbitration is particularly useful where the parties are in different countries and each is uncertain about the others judicial system. Arbitration also provides a level playing field for all parties, regardless of their residence.

The GAMS Effective Dispute Resolution System (EDR) has been built from the ground up to provide the best business dispute resolution available. Our Arbitration Rules make frivolous delaying tactics and gamesmanship a thing of the past.

Our arbitrators are neutral, fair, impartial and discrete. We do all types of arbitration including commercial arbitration. We provide national and international arbitration services.

We offer all forms of Arbitration, Mediation and Mediation followed by Arbitration in both pre and post dispute environments. When you have a problem and need to resolve it effectively, call GAMS, we are ready to help.

When you wish to provide for arbitration in your business contracts and would like Global Arbitration & Mediation Services, ("GAMS") to conduct the arbitration please insert the following into the agreement:\

Arbitration Clause

When you wish to provide for mediation followed by arbitration (should mediation be unsuccessful) in your business contracts and would like Global Arbitration & Mediation Services ("GAMS") to conduct the mediation/arbitration please insert the following into the agreement:

Mediation Followed by Arbitration Clause

GAMS Arbitration Rules
GAMS Arbitration Procedure
GAMS Arbitrator Panel
GAMS Arbitration Locations
GAMS Notice Of Request For Arbitration
GAMS Post Dispute Agreement
GAMS Arbitration Timeline
GAMS Confidentiality Policy
GAMS Arbitration Fees
Online Dispute Resolution

World Arbitration Laws

WIFO Arbitration Rules


global business adr alternate dispute resolution mediation arbitration mediator arbitrator services

Can We Help You?

mediation conciliation dispute resolution mediators services
global business adr alternate dispute resolution mediation arbitration mediator arbitrator services

Dispute Resolution

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